Colombia aims to include visa for rentier
Visa for rentier is suitable also for those with abroad income
Welcome to the HEA Consulting blog. We’ll try to cover off some of the more frequent questions we get and also help inform on things we find notable for expats in Colombia.
Visa for rentier is suitable also for those with abroad income
Digital nomad visa, a gift after the pandemic
Colombia and Ukraine have an abrogate agreement for short-stay visa.
A new visa regulation must be enacted due to international agreements.
Non-resident taxes in Colombia might be a little confusing
How to properly register those funds
Avoiding double taxation when sending money to family in Colombia
Pre-sale construction is common in Colombia - here's how to avoid bad deals
How to start building credit in Colombia
Every company in Colombia needs a legal representative - so can foreigners serve that role?
Exploring the legislation around foreigners investing in Colombia
Given the increase in tourism activity in Colombia, investing in real estate could be an attractive option for investors.
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